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Podcast Episodes

Everyone needs a primer sometimes! In Supplements 101 we give you the facts about a supplement from a naturopathic perspective. We also cover cautions and contraindications for the supplement.
Jan. 11, 2023

Melatonin: Should You be Taking it?

Melatonin is a popular supplement in cancer care. Tina & Leah review the many uses of melatonin and tackle some controversies around this powerful hormone. Join us as they chat, like only two naturopathic docs can. Did you k...

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Aug. 31, 2022

Curcumin: Supplements 101

Curcumin is what makes turmeric orange. It is also a very popular supplement. What does it do exactly? How should it be taken? How is it used in integrative oncology? Can you take it with chemo? Tina & Leah answer these quest...

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Aug. 24, 2022

Mushrooms: Supplements 101

Mushrooms are a valuable food and medicine, but which ones are best? Are they safe during treatment for cancer? What’s the proper dose? Do they really affect immune function? Tina & Leah discuss all of this and more from a pr...

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Aug. 17, 2022

Glutamine: Supplements 101

L-glutamine is a "conditionally essential" amino acid. What's that? Tune in & find out: what glutamine is, what it does, and when you shouldn't be taking it. Tina & Leah discuss generalities and then delve into specifics, par...

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May 18, 2022

Vitamin C: Supplements 101

Vitamin C: so simple, so necessary... but what is it used for exactly? And what does deficiency look like? Is vitamin C deficiency linked to cancer incidence? Recurrence? Are there times when it should not be taken? Tina & Le...

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May 11, 2022

Collagen: Supplements 101

What exactly is collagen? Does it really support skin and joints? And, most pressing: IS IT SAFE to take (in general? if you've had cancer?) Tina and Leah answer all of this and more as they discuss one of the most popular ...

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May 4, 2022

Vitamin D: Supplements 101

Vitamin D may be the most pivotal nutrient in all of cancer care. Tina and Leah talk about this hormone masquerading as a “vitamin.” How much is ideal? Do you need to take it? Can you get what you need from the sun? Is it e...

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Feb. 16, 2022

Folate : Supplements 101

In this episode, Tina and Leah cover what you need to know about folate, otherwise known as vitamin B9 or folic acid. What could be so important about folate that a whole episode is dedicated to it, you ask? Well, there are t...

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Feb. 9, 2022

Omega-3 Fatty Acids : Supplements 101

What exactly are omega-3 fatty acids? They are essential, but what does “essential” even mean? Why do we need them? How are they used in our bodies? What foods are the best sources? In this episode, Tina and Leah tackle these...

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Feb. 2, 2022

Supplements 101: The Basics

Supplement use during and after cancer treatment is common. But do you really need to take supplements? How do you even begin to prioritize what (if any) supplements are right for you? As naturopathic doctors, Tina and Leah t...

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