Welcome to The Cancer Pod!

Natasha Ewa

Natasha Ewa Profile Photo


Natasha Ewa is a 36 year old mother, wife, psychotherapist and owner of I-Thrive Therapy and Wellness, author and photographer who is slowly learning how to play the guitar.
Natasha was diagnosed with Er+ Her2-, stage2, grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer at the age of 29.

Since receiving her diagnosis, Natasha has gone on to have a bilateral mastectomy to expanders and eventually exchanged for implants. Natasha completed 5+ months of chemotherapy (AC + T) and has had 3 revision related surgeries. Post chemotherapy, Natasha was induced into menopause and has been on the medication regimen Lupron (every 3 months) and Exemestane 25mg (daily).

In 2021 Natasha gave birth to her SONshine whom she did not learn she was pregnant with until almost 16 weeks after a vaginal ultrasound that was ordered due to symptoms possibly related to concerns of metastisis.

Natasha will be 7years of living in remission at the end of Aug 2024 and finds joy in what she believes is her second chance at life. Her second chance at navigating the world she is in. A second chance at gratitude and a second chance to LIVE.

Death is inevitable, it will come. But until then, this second chance Natasha has been granted will be used differently. To (find a reason to) enjoy what she can control and find peace in what she cannot.

May 15, 2024

Natasha Ewa, Psychotherapist and #cancerinsider

Tina and Leah have an insightful conversation with Natasha Ewa, a licensed social worker, psychotherapist, founder of I Thrive Therapy & Wellness, and #cancerinsider who was diagnosed with stage II breast cancer at the age of...
Guest: Natasha Ewa