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Janet Abrahm

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Janet Abrahm, MD is Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. She is among the founders of Palliative Care in the United States and the author of four comprehensive books on supportive and palliative care for patients with cancer. Dr. Abrahm is a former practicing oncologist who created the Palliative Care Service at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute over 20 years’ ago. She is an award-winning clinician and educator and continues to practice palliative care at Dana Farber.

Aug. 7, 2024

Janet Abrahm, MD, Debunks Myths About Palliative Care

Dr. Janet Abrahm, a distinguished professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and an expert in palliative care at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, sits down with Tina and Leah to discuss palliative or supportive care. Pa...
Guest: Janet Abrahm