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Podcast Episodes

Aug. 23, 2023

Green Tea: Supplements 101

Green tea is a hugely popular drink and supplement. But are its health claims warranted? In this episode, Tina & Leah bring you the facts about green tea's benefits. As usual, there are some unique considerations regarding ca...

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Aug. 9, 2023

Slay Stress with Adaptogens: Supplements 101

Adaptogens are all the rage, making their way into popular pick-me-up products (looking at you, Monster energy drinks). Many different plants are adaptogens (Ashwaganda, Ginseng, Rhodiola, etc), but should these plants reall...

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July 26, 2023

Diarrhea Revisited

This isn't a sexy topic but darn it, someone has to talk about it! We naturopathic doctors don't shy away from sh*t talk. In fact, we encourage it! We're rereleasing this episode because there's a slew of newer oral agents t...

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July 12, 2023

The Truth About...Repurposed Drugs to Treat Cancer

Drug repurposing is using a drug previously approved for one condition to treat an entirely different condition (like cancer). In cancer care, repurposed drugs are usually gentler than FDA-approved cancer treatments. They inc...

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June 28, 2023

The Truth About Detox and Cleansing

Detox programs are popping up everywhere, but what’s the best approach? Do you really need to chug charcoal?! Tina & Leah talk about what detox means from their perspectives. And while they agree on most of it, they each brin...

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June 14, 2023

Integrative Approaches to Pain Control

Did you know you can lower pain levels with natural agents as well as medications? Food matters too. What you eat can worsen pain, while some foods help you resolve it. Tina & Leah are naturopathic doctors who know what works...

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May 31, 2023

Pain 101: Understanding the Basics

Pain is unpleasant. (That’s an understatement!) While pain itself is no fun, Tina & Leah keep you entertained and informed as you learn the basics in this episode. Understanding pain and knowing how to report it accurately ca...

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May 17, 2023

Probiotics, The Bugs We Love! Supplements 101

Probiotics, prebiotics, postbiotics, Oh My! The “bugs” in our guts have more to do with cancer than you may think. They interact intimately with your immune system and can influence cancer treatment effectiveness. Join Tina &...

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May 3, 2023

Calcium, The Low Down and the High Points

99% of calcium is in our bones. The last 1% is a fine balancing act between hormones and nutrients. So how much should you consume? What are the best supplement forms? What foods (besides dairy) have the highest amounts? What...

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April 19, 2023

The Truth About...Sugar. Does it Feed Cancer?

High blood sugar (glucose) isn't desirable for a host of reasons, but is "feeding cancer" one of them? The truth is bittersweet and takes a little more clarification than a simple "yes" or "no." Tina & Leah discuss the orig...

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April 5, 2023

The Truth About...Dairy. Does it Promote Cancer?

Does milk really “do a body good?” Great marketing, but what’s the truth? Tina & Leah tackle this tough question as they sift through the data on dairy. As always, they stick to the facts. (No dogma allowed.) Should you indu...

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March 22, 2023

The Movement Mentor: Sarah Court PT, DPT, e-RYT

What's the best type of movement during and after cancer treatment? How do you integrate exercise without hurting yourself? Tina & Leah talk with movement expert Sarah Court about what yoga can do (and can't!), aerobic vs. re...

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March 8, 2023

Fasting, Is It Worth It?

Does fasting during treatment make it work better? Does overnight fasting stave off recurrence? How does fasting affect cancer in general? Tina & Leah talk about the benefits (and risks!) of limiting food intake during and af...

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Feb. 22, 2023

Post-Treatment Collateral Damage: Long Term Side Effects

We're talking talk sh!t in this one, survivorsh!t, that is. Along the way, we drop tips for how to lessen the long-term side effects of cancer treatments that put a real wrench in survivorship. This 40,000-foot view hits on ...

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Feb. 8, 2023

Magnesium: The Goldilocks Nutrient?

Magnesium deficiency is incredibly common. No need for this, though. There are simple labs to run. You can also fix a deficiency with food and supplements. But what are some symptoms of Mg deficiency? And who should NOT be ta...

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Jan. 25, 2023

B12: Harmless Vitamin? or Cancer's BFF?

Did you know blood levels of B12 are likely to be high in those with cancer? Is this harmful? What about B12 deficiency? What should you look for? Tina & Leah talk about vitamin B12 and why you shouldn’t just take it willy-ni...

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Jan. 11, 2023

Melatonin: Should You be Taking it?

Melatonin is a popular supplement in cancer care. Tina & Leah review the many uses of melatonin and tackle some controversies around this powerful hormone. Join us as they chat, like only two naturopathic docs can. Did you k...

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Jan. 1, 2023

Reminiscing... Our 50th episode on Integrative Oncology!

We’re celebrating our 50th episode! Looking back, even we are amazed at how much ground we’ve covered. Join us as we hit the highlights from past and take on some listener questions. This is a one-of-a-kind episode! Oh, and H...

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Dec. 14, 2022

Slowing Cancer & The Cancer Conflict

Are there any natural cancer cures out there? What the heck is the abscopal effect? Should you pursue it? What is the goal of your treatment? How do you decide between treatment A versus treatment B? Are antioxidants always a...

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Nov. 30, 2022

Risk Reduction & The Cancer Conflict

In this episode, Tina & Leah discuss how you can reliably reduce your risk of cancer occurrence, recurrence, or improve your odds if you currently have cancer. They pick up where they left off in Episode 47, talking about The...

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Nov. 23, 2022

The Cancer Conflict: Conventional vs. Alternative Treatments

How do you choose your treatment? Conventional? Alternative? A combination of both (integrative)? Listen in as Tina & Leah discuss some do’s and don’ts of decision making that you need to know. A film called The Cancer Confli...

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Nov. 9, 2022

Amy & Stef, Cancer for Breakfast: #cancerinsider

Join us as we talk about navigating survivorship with Amy & Stef. As always, the conversation is upbeat and includes tips for survivors and caregivers alike. Amy & Stef started Cancer for Breakfast, a podcast and community, w...

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Nov. 2, 2022

Minisode: The Results

We taped a minisode to wrap up Leah's story and share the results of her biopsy! Ah, life of a #cancerinsider…tune in to find out how the story plays out. Support the show Our website: https://www.thecancerpod.com Join us for...

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Oct. 26, 2022

Leah's Story Part 2 #CancerInsider

Leah’s story picks up where Part 1 left off. We update you on what’s happening with that suspicious area on her MRI, continue talking about details of her past treatment and integrate some lessons along the way. Join us as ...

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