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Pesticides: The New Smoking?
Pesticides: The New Smoking?
Move over "sitting" there's a "new smoking" in town. In this episode, Tina and Leah discuss the latest data on pesticides and cancer risk. …
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Oct. 2, 2024

Pesticides: The New Smoking?

Pesticides: The New Smoking?

Move over "sitting" there's a "new smoking" in town. In this episode, Tina and Leah discuss the latest data on pesticides and cancer risk. One recent study showed the numbers look just as bad (and yes, society's denial of them just as strong) as the data on smoking and cancer risk from decades ago. The doctors share practical tips for minimizing exposure and suggest ways to minimize the effects of pesticide exposures that are nearly inevitable. Hey, we know this topic can be a bummer and a major inconvenience. That said, it's best to know the data to make healthy decisions for yourself. Societal changes may be slow, but there is plenty you can do while we wait for our society to make necessary changes for a less toxic world in general. Join us, we promise not to bum you out!

Pesticides are the new smoking; 69 pesticides named as carcinogenic
A more reader friendly version of the technical paper on pesticides and cancer risk
The Medscape article that spurred our discussion
Human Cancers: Known causes and prevention by organ site (IARC)
Environmental Working Group (EWG) guide on lowering intake of pesticides
Kristina Marusic, Environmental Health Journalist episode

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00:00 - Excerpt from episode

04:43 - The New Smoking: Pesticides

06:00 - Where are the highest rates of cancers?

08:08 - What is a "pesticide" by definition?

08:41 - Holy cow! How many millions of tons are used?!

11:01 - Why is glyphosate a problem in general?

14:10 - The pros, cons and alternatives to pesticides

19:35 - Tina gets idealistic

21:00 - Big Ag = Big Tabacco

22:50 - What can you do to minimize the impact of pesticides?

36:00 - Sign off



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did you hear that there's a new smoking?

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00:00:05.879 --> 00:00:09.384
Well, sitting is the new smoking, but that's not what you're talking about.

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Sitting was the new smoking and now there's a new now there's a new sitting.

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I can't keep up with it.

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First, there was the original smoking.

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Which is bad for multiple systems.

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Lung cancer was the big reason in our world of cancer care, but many other cancers, breast cancer,

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And other health issues, right?

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Heart disease, lung disease, I mean, you know, secondhand smoke, thirdhand smoke, all of those were found to be bad for people.

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And the data was very clear that we have had a, an improvement when people stopped smoking so much.

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We've had improvements in all of those.

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Chronic diseases

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So, we all know smoking is bad for you.

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And then, how many years ago was it that we learned sitting was bad for you?

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sitting is the new smoking was kind of a big deal in 2010.

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So it's 14 years ago now.

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Yeah, so it's kind of passé.

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So the whole thing with that was that people who were sitting at their desk on their job for eight hours plus

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Mm hmm.

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had an increased risk of chronic diseases, including the increased risk of cancer.

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Yeah, colorectal cancers breast cancer Prostate cancer there was data on many cancers and an increased risk with prolonged sedentary periods, prolonged sitting how much is too much sitting and being sedentary.

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It's a little bit of a moving target.

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Certainly anything over six hours in the data looks like it's starting to show increased risk.

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So getting up and moving.

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Even if you have a desk job, making sure that you move, you take your breaks, you, keep moving.

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You were mentioning squats off the radio here.

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Off the radio.

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There was an article that I had read that if you work a desk job or any job where you are sitting most of the day, if you stand up every 30 minutes and do some squats, there was a period of time you were supposed to do the squats.

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I don't remember if it was 30 seconds of squats.

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I can't remember.

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But if you just stand up, move, do some squats, Set an alarm on your phone, whatever, that was supposed to be good.

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What was interesting is that if people had sedentary jobs and then we're like these weekend workout warriors, that didn't really show any benefit.

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Cause it has to be movement on a daily basis, but that's why we have, what's very popular now is standing desks or desks that are used over a treadmill where people are actually walking during their meeting they'll just have a computer over their treadmill, a little stand there.

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It works for people who, yeah, work from home or, you know, attend meetings over zoom, which I guess is more popular now, but it doesn't work for everybody.

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I have a.

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stationary bicycle desk, which is gathering dust as we speak, because you know what I can't do when I'm biking is type.

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I don't go to a lot of meetings.

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I type a lot and I do a lot of like engaged activity on my computer like that.

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And so it's a great idea though.

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I mean, it might work for other folks.

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I've seen those where there's like a little pedal,

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Or, you know, pedals underneath the desk.

00:03:11.794 --> 00:03:15.164
Um, but yeah, I think I would have a hard time multitasking.

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I can't even read while walking on a treadmill.

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I watch TV because that way I'm not really doing anything.

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right, right.

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I want to get a balance board for my standing desk.

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So I have a desk, you know, that is standing.

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I can adjust it up and down.

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I want to get a balance board just to do something while I'm standing there.

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Well, while you're standing every 30 minutes, do some squats.

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I probably do do that quite a bit.

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Actually, I do intentionally move around because I don't want my joints all getting all stiff.

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I am in my 50s.

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So you know, got to keep my flexibility and squat down quite a bit just to keep limber.

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Use it or lose it as they say.

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I'm Dr Tina Kaczor and as Leah likes to say I'm the science-y one

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and I'm Dr Leah Sherman and on the cancer inside

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And we're two naturopathic doctors who practice integrative cancer care

00:04:07.830 --> 00:04:09.781
But we're not your doctors

00:04:09.941 --> 00:04:16.399
This is for education entertainment and informational purposes only do not apply any of this information

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without first speaking to your doctor

00:04:18.665 --> 00:04:24.485
The views and opinions expressed on this podcast by the hosts and their guests are solely their own

00:04:24.793 --> 00:04:47.509
Welcome to the cancer pod So, so there is a, there is a new smoking and a new sitting.

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And we both saw the article like at the same time, pretty much it came out in Medscape.

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you want a drumroll?

00:04:55.805 --> 00:04:56.584
We need a drumroll.

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We're going to insert a drumroll here.

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It's pesticides.

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Pesticide, which we in our profession as naturopathic docs and naturopaths around the world, whether they're physicians or what they call barefoot naturopaths, you know, lay naturopaths around the world.

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We have quite a few listeners out in Australia.

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Hello, Australia.

00:05:16.735 --> 00:05:19.755
Um, we are all against these things.

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Pesticides, right?

00:05:21.156 --> 00:05:22.665
I mean, this is not something that's.

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Going to be new for us and our recommendations.

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I think that the headline hopefully will motivate more people to make the change away from exposures if they can.

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And the biggest exposure comes from people who work around them.

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So whether it's a landscaper, home gardener, it's people who live in farming communities, whether they work on the farm.

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Directly or just live in the community.

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well in this piece that you and I read from Medscape, which was basically a, a news briefing on a study that happened.

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So it was a breakdown of that study and how.

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Pesticides are the new smoking.

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The Midwest has higher rates in the United States.

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And that is where there's an immense amount of pesticide usage for Big Ag.

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and the article specifically mentioned corn.

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The states in the study that the article discussed were Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Missouri, Indiana, and Ohio and Florida because there is an ag component down there in Florida.

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I mean, Indiana.

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So much corn.

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So much corn.

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I didn't realize there was that much agriculture in Florida.

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I, I, I thought maybe it was more like, uh, well, I guess it would be, huh?

00:06:35.173 --> 00:06:38.952
I bet I was thinking it was more like manicured and landscaped areas.

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You know, they got to keep the critters out.

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it's pretty surprising, um, driving in between, you know, South Florida and then going a bit north.

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Um, my dad is buried in a, um, military cemetery.

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I don't know.

00:06:54.012 --> 00:07:03.353
It's not quite central Florida, but yeah, no, there's tons of agriculture out there between driving from, you know, Pompano beach and heading up towards Lake Worth.

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It's yeah.

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Well, and.

00:07:06.778 --> 00:07:25.471
Like you mentioned, occupational exposures for farmers, I mean, that's kind of been a rumbling for decades in the data and I think that has been looked at because occupational exposures are something that are looked at specifically because it's such a high exposure probably more than anyone else is going to be exposed and more, consistently exposed.

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The whole communities are being affected because there's also spray through aerial sprayers that then go into the land, that then seeps into their water tables that they then drink from their wells

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Not to mention just aerial sprays not being very specific.

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Oh, for sure.

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And then I think I've mentioned on another episode, but I remember having.

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A patient who talked about when they were a kid running behind like the, the bug spray, whatever was, was being sprayed.

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It was DDT based then.

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I was gonna say I don't know what they're using today.

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and I don't know if they still have those trucks that like blast things.

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they're spraying communities because of the mosquitoes in certain communities Yeah, I don't know what they're using

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so I want to kind of define pesticides.

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Cause I think when we think of pesticides.

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Um, we just think of like insects, you know, but I did look up to see what was considered a pesticide in agriculture and it includes herbicides and fungicides and insecticides.

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And so the, Definition that I found said that they're chemicals designed to eliminate and control animal and plant life that can adversely affect agriculture or domestic life.

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So it's kind of all lumped together.

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So when I typically think of pesticide, I'm just thinking of like the stuff you spray to get rid of ants or whatever, but it's, it also includes the herbicides and fungicides that are used.

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And the amount that is used, oh gosh, I forgot the amount.

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It was a lot.

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I want to say Roundup or glyphosate alone was like, 188 million tons or some, some like, I'm going to look at it.

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I'm going to look at this up cause I just looked it up before we started talking.

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And it was the amounts we're talking about that are put on our crops.

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Mind blowing.

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All right, here we go.

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From 2012 to 2016, approximately 281 million pounds of glyphosate, and that's Roundup, were applied to just under 300 million acres annually on average.

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Soybeans get the most, 117 million pounds, corn, 94.

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9 million pounds, and cotton, 20 million pounds.

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And it just goes on and on.

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It says the Midwest region of the United States used about 65 percent of the nation's total glyphosate in 2016.

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Um, and its use has increased dramatically since its introduction in 1996.

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And the reason we introduced it in case anyone wants to know that history is because we genetically engineered plants that could handle it.

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Because the plants can handle it, we can pour more of it on there and they survive it.

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And that's the roundup is like weed killer.

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It's like what people spray in their, on their lawns or, you know, their xeriscaping or whatever.

00:10:01.788 --> 00:10:03.068
It's yeah, it's weed killer.

00:10:03.099 --> 00:10:06.269
Yeah, sorry to say, glyphosate is more of a weed killer than a pesticide.

00:10:06.288 --> 00:10:09.448
I always put pesticides and herbicides as, like, one in my brain.

00:10:09.849 --> 00:10:10.938
No, no, but it is.

00:10:10.958 --> 00:10:11.948
No, that's what that was.

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The definition was an herbicide is included as a pesticide,

00:10:16.739 --> 00:10:17.239
Oh, okay.

00:10:17.619 --> 00:10:19.369
according to the definition that I found.

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So no, it counts.

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It does count.

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Um, I, again, forgive me if I repeat myself, but when I flew out to interview for the residency in Indiana, I check into the hotel, I put on the TV, and the first thing I saw was a Roundup commercial.

00:10:37.219 --> 00:10:40.578
I mean, there were so many commercials, like, on that visit.

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I saw a lot of Roundup being advertised, and I mean, I'm like, so sketched out by Roundup.

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You know, it's been with my dogs, right?

00:10:48.971 --> 00:10:54.841
Walking around the neighborhood, you see like, somebody spraying something, and I'm like, you know, reminding myself, don't go to that.

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Lawn until, you know, at least, I don't know how long it's bad, but, you know, at least until it's dry several days, I'm sure, but,

00:11:01.839 --> 00:11:06.808
And the issue with glyphosate specifically is it's very close to the amino acid glycine.

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And there is evidence showing that it might be able to be integrated into places that the natural amino acid glycine should be.

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And when glyphosate gets integrated in, instead of glycine, that monkeys up with the tissue that it's being used in.

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And glycine's used in tissues throughout the body, but the most, um, kind of glaring effect is in animals and in horses on their connective tissue.

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It weakens their connective tissue.

00:11:33.907 --> 00:11:40.912
And so, It leaves me wondering I mean, we're getting way more injuries than we used to have in young people doing sports.

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it leaves this big question mark in my brain that I think to myself, is it maybe weakened?

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tendons and ligaments, because this is the world we live in now.

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I mean, unless you were brought up 100 percent organic from day one and, and live away from these communities.

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And live in a bubble, a hundred percent organic.

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And you live in a bubble where you're not exposed to anything.

00:12:01.105 --> 00:12:21.235
Um, and the, the big thing, speaking of commercials, you know, there are tons of ads that I have been bombarded with probably because I'm searching for certain keywords, but you know, the increased risk of, Lymphoma non Hodgkin's lymphoma from glyphosate exposure and several people have won lawsuits.

00:12:21.764 --> 00:12:26.634
so yeah, and those are landscapers or, you know, people who are around it all the time.

00:12:26.875 --> 00:12:29.325
Yeah, and that's just one of, how many was in that study?

00:12:29.325 --> 00:12:33.754
Was there 69 different chemical compounds that were in that one study that we're talking about?

00:12:33.794 --> 00:12:38.428
the Medscape article, Comprehensive Assessment of Pesticide Use Patterns and Increased Cancer Risk.

00:12:38.908 --> 00:12:40.298
That's the name of the article.

00:12:40.298 --> 00:12:40.388

00:12:41.048 --> 00:12:48.028
Yeah, it is 69 pesticides in their table, 69 pesticides of agricultural interest that are monitored by the U.

00:12:48.028 --> 00:12:48.119

00:12:48.119 --> 00:12:52.428
Department of Agriculture and are reported by county that were included in this study.

00:12:52.438 --> 00:13:13.303
So there's way more than glyphosate, um, The findings from this paper saw there was an association between pesticide use and increased incidence of, I'm just going to give you them all, leukemia, non Hodgkin's lymphoma, bladder cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, and cancers combined, that are comparable to smoking for some of those cancers.

00:13:13.313 --> 00:13:17.453
So that's why we're saying pesticide exposures are the new smoking.

00:13:17.583 --> 00:13:19.703
Because the risk is the same as if you were smoking.

00:13:20.043 --> 00:13:20.283

00:13:20.283 --> 00:13:26.277
And it pointed out that pesticides contributed to a higher risk for cancer than smoking in certain cases.

00:13:26.846 --> 00:13:29.086
Um, and then with non Hodgkin's lymphoma.

00:13:29.537 --> 00:13:35.376
Pesticides were linked to 154 percent more cases than smoking.

00:13:35.956 --> 00:13:36.346

00:13:36.549 --> 00:13:38.279
And they accounted for smoking.

00:13:38.307 --> 00:13:46.153
they accounted for, um, you know, environmental factors as well that can contribute to cancer.

00:13:46.163 --> 00:13:48.437
So they kind of looked at a lot of stuff.

00:13:48.726 --> 00:13:56.234
So one of the issues, and not to be a big downer, but the issue is that these pesticides are used on almost all of our crops.

00:13:56.234 --> 00:14:08.114
It said in 2021, 96% of the 93.4 million acres of corn planted in the United States, herbicides were used, pesticides, herbicides, 96% of all of it.

00:14:08.524 --> 00:14:10.517
And so it's ubiquitous.

00:14:10.839 --> 00:14:16.548
Yeah, and you know, one of the reasons why pesticides are used is because it does increase yields.

00:14:16.548 --> 00:14:28.668
And so in, you know, this is global, this isn't just the U S and so across the world where there are, concerns with people getting enough food, the use of pesticides has increased yields.

00:14:28.739 --> 00:14:34.471
And so, there is that benefit because organic farms that don't use pesticides.

00:14:34.471 --> 00:14:37.162
Have up to 50 percent lower yields.

00:14:37.442 --> 00:14:42.432
And organic farms will use chemicals that are natural.

00:14:42.534 --> 00:14:44.764
There's still chemicals, but they are natural.

00:14:44.815 --> 00:14:52.368
as opposed to the synthetic pesticides and those tend to break down, more rapidly, um, there still is risk, you know, of.

00:14:52.721 --> 00:14:53.922
Causing health issues.

00:14:53.922 --> 00:15:05.695
If you're exposed to these natural, um, pesticides, they also use other methods like, netting crops and, uh, planting, you know, what's it called?

00:15:05.951 --> 00:15:07.451
I want to say symbiotic planting.

00:15:07.451 --> 00:15:09.741
I can't remember the word, but you're planting.

00:15:10.412 --> 00:15:10.741

00:15:10.741 --> 00:15:12.841
You're planting, you know, different things to kind of.

00:15:13.282 --> 00:15:20.552
deter pests, you know, from, from your plant and rotating crops, all of that, like you rotate your crops.

00:15:20.552 --> 00:15:29.904
And so if you're always planting your cruciferous vegetables in the same area, you're going to be more prone to getting those types of pests and diseases that, you know, stick with them.

00:15:29.914 --> 00:15:32.745
So you know, there, there are all of these things that you can do.

00:15:32.754 --> 00:15:36.664
It's just, you're not going to be able to mass produce for an entire country.

00:15:37.023 --> 00:15:39.092
that was the key word, mass production.

00:15:39.317 --> 00:15:41.408
I agree with everything you've said.

00:15:41.918 --> 00:15:45.447
And we have to remember that most of that corn that we're growing is not to be eaten.

00:15:45.998 --> 00:15:49.957
Most of that corn that we're growing is, is for feed and for fuel.

00:15:50.335 --> 00:15:59.052
So do we need however million, acres for corn to, I mean, in a idealistic society, people would have gardens again.

00:15:59.381 --> 00:16:03.995
You know, we would have Gardens and grow some food locally or have farmer's markets.

00:16:04.139 --> 00:16:05.009
All this is growing.

00:16:05.009 --> 00:16:10.580
I'm actually really encouraged with our current trends in society because people are more aware of this.

00:16:10.730 --> 00:16:13.980
So there's local farmers, there's local farmers markets.

00:16:14.379 --> 00:16:19.783
Um, buying from small vendors is going to be helpful because local foods are going to be cleaner.

00:16:19.812 --> 00:16:20.562
That's all there is to it.

00:16:21.105 --> 00:16:34.868
They're, but they're still using these pesticides because I've tried to grow apples We have a really old apple tree out front It's so hard and you know people want a pretty apple They don't want a wormhole in an apple that you have to cut around.

00:16:35.778 --> 00:16:38.927
It's really hard to grow apples

00:16:39.562 --> 00:16:40.472
I didn't think so.

00:16:40.972 --> 00:16:42.052
I had apple trees in Eugene.

00:16:42.052 --> 00:16:43.373
We got really nice apples.

00:16:43.373 --> 00:16:44.582
I sprayed it with sulfur.

00:16:45.217 --> 00:16:46.618
Oh, see, I haven't sprayed mine with anything.

00:16:46.628 --> 00:16:51.317
I tried doing the um, putting the little stockings around them and that didn't really help

00:16:51.913 --> 00:17:00.352
Sulfur's a nasty, one day, stinky job that you just, you know, put it on the hose and spray the bejeebies out of it, but it does work for a couple years in a row.

00:17:00.687 --> 00:17:01.908
Yeah, I need to do that.

00:17:01.918 --> 00:17:07.647
And then also we have rust, which is, I think it's a kind of a fungus that comes from the juniper trees that are around.

00:17:08.083 --> 00:17:08.732
And neem.

00:17:09.082 --> 00:17:12.892
oh yeah, I've used neem before, but yeah, you have to be more diligent.

00:17:12.912 --> 00:17:13.882
It's a lot more work.

00:17:14.037 --> 00:17:14.287

00:17:14.957 --> 00:17:15.156

00:17:15.442 --> 00:17:16.261
work, Tina.

00:17:16.426 --> 00:17:21.126
I know but my point, maybe that's part of the point Maybe we should go back to a little bit more of that

00:17:21.317 --> 00:17:22.855
Then, then we wouldn't be sitting so

00:17:22.970 --> 00:17:50.086
exactly we got to be getting up anyways But it is true I mean think about that I mean if you if you do have space to grow food it does Forced you to go out and put your hands in the soil and some of those soil organisms aren't such a bad thing either, organic soil, fresh food, you know, greens, I think are like the intro to everything because you can grow greens, they, you clip them and they grow right back.

00:17:50.255 --> 00:17:54.375
Well, the thing with greens is you can grow them if you live in an apartment and have a sunny window.

00:17:55.075 --> 00:17:56.125
You can grow greens.

00:17:56.125 --> 00:17:59.394
You know, they don't want extremes and temperatures.

00:17:59.394 --> 00:18:06.808
They kind of like things a little cool, so you can just get a little, you know, window box, even on the inside and, and try to grow some greens.

00:18:06.808 --> 00:18:12.739
Or, my favorite thing is to regrow food that you've already used.

00:18:12.739 --> 00:18:14.583
And so if you use.

00:18:14.717 --> 00:18:36.497
Spring or green onion and you cut it down and there's still some white part left you stick that in some water You know, you can like regrow food and then reuse the green part will continue to grow And you just snip that and keep using it You know, I guess it's easier if it's just like one or two people if it's a whole family It does get to be a little harder to grow that much food

00:18:36.666 --> 00:18:37.166

00:18:37.457 --> 00:18:38.507
I totally agree with that.

00:18:39.054 --> 00:18:42.819
I just, I think big ag is a big problem in the United States.

00:18:42.960 --> 00:18:43.789
It's an industry.

00:18:43.990 --> 00:18:47.067
It has created an industry and it's highly subsidized.

00:18:47.632 --> 00:18:50.771
Um, which means that we prop it up, and it's not healthy.

00:18:50.936 --> 00:18:57.973
Which we've talked about and I know we've talked about this in other episodes You know, especially with corn and soy

00:18:58.190 --> 00:18:58.579

00:18:58.579 --> 00:18:59.835
And I'm not here to political.

00:18:59.835 --> 00:19:00.595
It's not about that.

00:19:00.595 --> 00:19:02.555
It's about the health of the end product.

00:19:02.934 --> 00:19:03.234

00:19:03.234 --> 00:19:09.922
And so we're creating markets for these by products because we are destined to grow that much.

00:19:10.321 --> 00:19:12.902
Um, and these aren't family farms I'm talking about.

00:19:12.942 --> 00:19:15.392
I'm talking about agricultural businesses.

00:19:15.402 --> 00:19:16.721
These are gigantic.

00:19:17.092 --> 00:19:17.961
I mean, there's big pharma.

00:19:17.961 --> 00:19:19.142
There's big ag too.

00:19:19.142 --> 00:19:19.451

00:19:19.592 --> 00:19:19.902

00:19:19.902 --> 00:19:22.031
Monocrops, like huge, like monocrops and stuff.

00:19:22.031 --> 00:19:23.372
And I know they do rotate.

00:19:23.372 --> 00:19:35.231
Cause I have seen that where it's like, they plant the corn and then they then they plant the soy and then they plant the corn and then they plant the soy, but you're just doing these two major, like pesticide heavy crops.

00:19:35.571 --> 00:19:40.669
Yeah, I think we have to look at ourselves as part of a very large ecosystem.

00:19:40.932 --> 00:19:45.311
And we are just one organism of many, of millions.

00:19:45.471 --> 00:19:55.372
And so when we monocrop millions of acres at once, um, what that does to the soil, what that does to the air quality, what that does to our ingestion of these chemicals that we're talking about today.

00:19:55.751 --> 00:19:57.852
I don't think it's how we're meant to do it.

00:19:58.071 --> 00:19:58.902
To exist.

00:19:58.912 --> 00:20:03.192
I think we're meant to exist more in harmony with our surroundings than that.

00:20:03.679 --> 00:20:05.229
But that's philosophical, I suppose.

00:20:05.229 --> 00:20:06.848
That's a naturopathic point of view, Right.

00:20:07.661 --> 00:20:08.769

00:20:08.814 --> 00:20:23.243
it's an ideal point of view, but the reality of the population of the world, because again, I'm not just thinking of the U S but just the population of the world, um, and different circumstances in which people live different environments, it does make it harder.

00:20:23.386 --> 00:20:24.166
To do that.

00:20:24.839 --> 00:20:29.190
So, you know, you're living in a desert where are you getting your food from?

00:20:29.269 --> 00:20:29.730
I did not.

00:20:29.740 --> 00:20:37.900
Now I'm thinking Arizona, there's a lot of agriculture in Arizona, which is so surprising because it is a desert and they bring that water in.

00:20:38.358 --> 00:20:40.388
that's a whole, I mean, I am idealistic.

00:20:40.398 --> 00:20:44.538
You're right, because I don't think we should be growing most of our crops in desert climates.

00:20:45.048 --> 00:20:45.749
I just don't.

00:20:46.009 --> 00:20:49.915
I think that that was a bad idea in the first place But that's what I mean by big ag.

00:20:49.935 --> 00:20:56.576
I think that if it shrank down and you did different model of agriculture, we would be, we would probably have more water.

00:20:56.905 --> 00:20:59.105
And other people would have less money in their pockets.

00:20:59.583 --> 00:21:00.893
Yeah, there's that.

00:21:01.462 --> 00:21:08.333
I think that a lot of it, when it became Big Ag as in capital B, capital A in a big business, then it's all about the money.

00:21:08.333 --> 00:21:09.952
It's not about the product or the health.

00:21:10.492 --> 00:21:11.512
It's not about the health.

00:21:11.583 --> 00:21:11.833

00:21:11.833 --> 00:21:21.423
It's not about the health of, as we learned from smoking when it came out, that there were studies initially that showed that smoking was bad for you.

00:21:21.423 --> 00:21:23.053
And those had been suppressed.

00:21:23.145 --> 00:21:25.865
Yeah, and you know, you said you're thinking about the whole world.

00:21:25.885 --> 00:21:33.207
You know, we in the United States, we do allow more toxicity in our crops than other countries do.

00:21:33.787 --> 00:21:38.926
chemicals that are banned or discouraged in Europe.

00:21:39.364 --> 00:21:41.723
And it's unfortunate, but that's just the way it is right now.

00:21:42.163 --> 00:21:49.203
Um, I did go to the EPA website and look at how they classify carcinogenic pesticides and herbicides.

00:21:49.364 --> 00:21:52.144
It's fairly convoluted, and what they don't do is give you a list.

00:21:52.663 --> 00:21:54.913
They don't give you a list of their findings.

00:21:54.913 --> 00:22:02.094
They do have a system, just like the World Health Organization does, of ranking the likely carcinogenic potential of various compounds.

00:22:02.614 --> 00:22:07.604
They did say that if we tested it a while ago, we're not going to retest it because our resources are limited.

00:22:08.223 --> 00:22:13.253
so even though we have better means of testing it now, we're not going to redo anything that was old.

00:22:14.038 --> 00:22:16.739
Is that the international Agency for Research on Cancer?

00:22:16.739 --> 00:22:17.588
Is that who,

00:22:18.294 --> 00:22:23.084
That's the WHO group that, that has the classic, monographs on carcinogens.

00:22:23.693 --> 00:22:24.894
I'm talking about the EPA.

00:22:24.943 --> 00:22:29.153
The EPA does something similar, but they're nowhere near as transparent with the information.

00:22:29.723 --> 00:22:38.186
As a matter of fact, instead of putting the name of the pesticide, they just put One comma four dash pesticide instead of the the proper name.

00:22:38.727 --> 00:22:43.717
Yeah, instead of saying one for organochlorine or whatever people are searching for.

00:22:44.096 --> 00:22:49.277
So I feel like it's a little bit, um, Opaque, but what can we do about all this?

00:22:49.307 --> 00:22:50.047
That's the question.

00:22:50.047 --> 00:22:55.967
I guess, you know without harping on how bad it is We probably should talk about what we recommend people do.

00:22:56.767 --> 00:23:07.490
Well, I think the first thing is if somebody is not able to purchase organic to make sure that when you do purchase your fruits and vegetables, wash them.

00:23:08.851 --> 00:23:18.891
And, I think you've brought this up before, the Environmental Working Group can give you some prioritizing of which ones are the worst culprits when it comes to pesticide laden fruits and vegetables.

00:23:19.425 --> 00:23:24.675
Right, the, the soft skinned, um, berries and fruits, that sort of thing.

00:23:24.986 --> 00:23:29.246
But if that's right, but if that's your only option, wash them.

00:23:29.246 --> 00:23:35.566
I mean, I don't know how many times, I mean, I know organic berries are sprayed and I don't know how many times I'll just be like, Ooh, berries.

00:23:35.566 --> 00:23:37.736
And I'll just start eating them before washing them.

00:23:37.736 --> 00:23:39.226
And I'm guilty of that myself.

00:23:39.695 --> 00:23:42.125
Um, I don't know if it has any effect.

00:23:42.125 --> 00:23:46.046
One thing I started doing with my berries is I wash them with a little bit of vinegar.

00:23:46.205 --> 00:24:01.836
Vinegar and that's mostly just to kind of keep them from going bad because organic berries go bad so quickly Um, they turn really fast And so I had read somewhere that if you add a little vinegar to your your rinse water, it helps to keep berries fresh longer.

00:24:02.280 --> 00:24:02.901
Does it work?

00:24:02.955 --> 00:24:03.885
it seems to work.

00:24:03.885 --> 00:24:13.083
Yeah, absolutely I don't know if it's doing anything, you know, in terms of washing off any residue, but you know, peel your fruits.

00:24:13.083 --> 00:24:17.542
If, if you have an apple, if you're concerned about this, then peel your apples.

00:24:18.042 --> 00:24:26.385
Um, if they're not organic, I know probably, I'm going to just guess the majority of people who listen to us might not be able to afford all organic all the time.

00:24:27.036 --> 00:24:32.526
Um, I know when I am in the Midwest, it's not always available.

00:24:32.840 --> 00:24:33.260

00:24:33.786 --> 00:24:35.955
And so it's like, I don't stress about it.

00:24:35.955 --> 00:24:43.009
I just make sure that I wash the foods and, you know, my preference is to have something organic.

00:24:43.029 --> 00:24:49.275
I am in a position where that can be like, You know, priority on my grocery list, but I know it isn't for everybody.

00:24:49.525 --> 00:24:49.904

00:24:50.164 --> 00:24:50.595

00:24:50.974 --> 00:24:56.595
you also have to think that when you're eating those berries, even if they're not organic, you're still getting health benefits from them.

00:24:56.964 --> 00:25:07.444
You know, just maybe if you're not able to eat organic, then try not to use those pesticides in your garden or something, try to reduce those exposures, other places in your life.

00:25:07.625 --> 00:25:07.984

00:25:07.994 --> 00:25:09.095
Being mindful.

00:25:09.654 --> 00:25:11.984
First of all, don't use them, right?

00:25:12.105 --> 00:25:20.700
I mean, if you must use them, take full precautions not to ingest through your inhalation route or your skin or even your eyes.

00:25:20.740 --> 00:25:24.299
Take full precautions if your job requires you to use them, that kind of thing.

00:25:24.299 --> 00:25:25.839
Don't take those precautions lightly.

00:25:25.839 --> 00:25:27.440
I mean, yeah, just avoid them.

00:25:27.440 --> 00:25:31.930
I mean, Home Depot has an immense number of pesticides and herbicides.

00:25:32.619 --> 00:25:35.190
So I know people are still using them at home quite a bit, right?

00:25:35.781 --> 00:25:38.291
There are natural alternatives to some of these things.

00:25:38.291 --> 00:25:45.521
I mean, for me, I have, I have to take out these gnarly little weeds that get in my dog's paws.

00:25:45.521 --> 00:25:46.412
They're, they're hard.

00:25:46.412 --> 00:25:47.172
They're in the high desert.

00:25:47.561 --> 00:25:52.922
we try to hit that with 20 or 30 percent vinegar to defoliate them.

00:25:53.321 --> 00:25:55.596
And then once they're They defoliate after a day or two.

00:25:55.596 --> 00:26:00.346
Then we come back with a torch and light all this, all of it on fire.

00:26:00.511 --> 00:26:05.588
yeah, I mean, there are, there are definitely things that people can do around the house to kind of lessen that.

00:26:05.979 --> 00:26:10.759
I think one of the things is if we get away from these manicured lawns.

00:26:10.953 --> 00:26:19.233
That are so like, it's so ingrained in our society to have these beautiful green manicured lawns and you go out and you mow them and they're just perfect.

00:26:19.233 --> 00:26:20.094
And there are no weeds.

00:26:20.510 --> 00:26:25.193
I mean, if I'm looking out at my yard right now, it's well, it's Portland.

00:26:25.193 --> 00:26:28.503
And so this time of year, nobody waters anything or very few people water.

00:26:28.693 --> 00:26:32.173
So it's like dead grass, but then I have my vegetable gardens, you know?

00:26:32.743 --> 00:26:36.534
And can I share that your, one of your vegetable gardens is on your front lawn.

00:26:36.902 --> 00:26:38.531
They both are.

00:26:38.531 --> 00:26:43.211
Both of my vegetable gardens are on my front lawn because if they were on the back lawn, the dogs would eat them.

00:26:43.731 --> 00:26:44.602
Um, would eat them.

00:26:45.491 --> 00:26:46.711
It would be hard to get the dogs out.

00:26:46.922 --> 00:26:48.352
And we get more sun in the front.

00:26:48.392 --> 00:26:49.231
And so, yeah.

00:26:49.271 --> 00:26:49.481

00:26:49.491 --> 00:26:49.791

00:26:50.257 --> 00:26:51.257
It's always been that way.

00:26:51.257 --> 00:26:59.987
We had a house when we lived in Southeast Portland where the side garden was this like beautiful manicured, like English garden when I moved in.

00:27:00.326 --> 00:27:06.196
And by the time I was done with it, there were, I think at least three garden beds and a chicken coop.

00:27:07.382 --> 00:27:11.521
You know, in this like nice neighborhood that we were living in.

00:27:11.981 --> 00:27:19.281
So, yeah, I mean, I know that it looks really pretty to have this gorgeous manicured lawn, but you're not helping anybody.

00:27:19.281 --> 00:27:20.241
You can't eat it.

00:27:20.561 --> 00:27:28.512
You know, we just had, we just came out of this like huge, like lockdown situation where it was like, it was hard to get food, start growing it.

00:27:28.512 --> 00:27:36.452
If you have the ability, if you have the ability, if you live in an apartment building and there's a, a community garden, you know, like try to grow your own food.

00:27:36.913 --> 00:27:37.522
it's interesting.

00:27:37.522 --> 00:27:39.553
Cause it's really just a change of mindset Right.

00:27:39.682 --> 00:27:45.613
Because I think we tend to do whatever is culturally the norm in our area.

00:27:45.961 --> 00:27:59.310
And I've driven across the U S a few times and I, it's right when I hit the Midwest that I start to see the large lawns and then it continues all the way through, uh, you know, I'll go all the way to the east and, uh, you know, we're, we're talking riding tractors are required, right?

00:27:59.310 --> 00:28:00.111
These are big lawns.

00:28:00.133 --> 00:28:06.462
And you see that out here too, though, in Portland, you know, in the, in certain neighborhoods there, you know, that is kind of the thing too.

00:28:06.643 --> 00:28:10.563
I think the front yard garden in my neighborhood is the norm.

00:28:10.867 --> 00:28:11.298
Mm hmm.

00:28:11.597 --> 00:28:12.198

00:28:12.208 --> 00:28:12.458

00:28:12.458 --> 00:28:19.667
So I'm saying that because I think there is a cultural aspect to this and I'm talking like regional sub regional town down to the zip code.

00:28:19.667 --> 00:28:19.938

00:28:19.938 --> 00:28:22.617
Like, this is like, what do people do in your area?

00:28:22.617 --> 00:28:22.636

00:28:23.147 --> 00:28:24.198
There is a movement.

00:28:24.198 --> 00:28:33.938
I saw this on, I don't know where Facebook or something put up pictures about how people were, um, taking their lawn out and putting in meadows and gardens.

00:28:34.387 --> 00:28:40.167
And a lot of it was to keep the bees coming and to feed hummingbirds and things like that.

00:28:40.428 --> 00:28:43.178
But there's no reason you can't do that and feed yourself.

00:28:44.188 --> 00:28:45.268
That was kind of a neat movement.

00:28:45.458 --> 00:28:48.231
I see it going on in several neighborhoods in Texas.

00:28:48.502 --> 00:28:51.482
Like Indiana and, uh, Iowa and stuff.

00:28:51.482 --> 00:28:52.952
So that was that, that was encouraging.

00:28:52.952 --> 00:28:53.883
That's kind of cool to see.

00:28:54.292 --> 00:28:54.732

00:28:54.732 --> 00:29:00.292
And when I was living in Indiana, there were certain areas that were kind of these fields where they would mow them.

00:29:00.303 --> 00:29:02.083
And that's kind of where you would walk your dog.

00:29:02.617 --> 00:29:13.667
I noticed the last time I lived there, they weren't mowing them and they would mow a certain area and then they would allow the wildflowers and you know, the meadows to kind of flourish.

00:29:14.018 --> 00:29:15.077
And that's kind of nice.

00:29:15.077 --> 00:29:15.567
It's pretty.

00:29:15.587 --> 00:29:18.038
And that's something I do want to do here as well.

00:29:18.038 --> 00:29:27.554
And, um, I'm trying to do up at our cabin, you know, to, we have an expanse of grass and I'm trying to let part of that go wild.

00:29:28.034 --> 00:29:31.888
We're getting like Elk kind of nesting overnight in there.

00:29:31.888 --> 00:29:37.259
I mean, it's like you're attracting more wildlife, which is so cool I mean you find their poop everywhere.

00:29:37.278 --> 00:29:42.058
That was an issue, but you know, it's still it's you know Sharing sharing with the wildlife.

00:29:42.108 --> 00:29:42.278

00:29:42.278 --> 00:29:45.269
I was going to say, technically they were there first, so,

00:29:45.578 --> 00:29:46.358
That is true.

00:29:46.709 --> 00:29:47.348
That is true

00:29:48.628 --> 00:29:49.699
so it's good to share.

00:29:50.098 --> 00:29:55.653
So I think If people want more information on actionable things they can do.

00:29:55.702 --> 00:30:00.272
we did that interview with Christina The environmental, um, journalist..

00:30:01.736 --> 00:30:04.056
And so go check that episode out.

00:30:04.056 --> 00:30:07.185
We'll put a link for her and get her book.

00:30:07.246 --> 00:30:17.246
Cause she talks about a lot about this, about, you know, the different areas across the U S and the, not just pesticide exposure, but just overall exposures and health risks.

00:30:17.355 --> 00:30:26.066
Yes, yeah, I want to make sure that I know we say this in a lot of episodes, but I don't feel like we said this in any recent episode.

00:30:26.086 --> 00:30:36.762
Um, once you ingest something and you will, because this is the world we live in, you will have chemicals coming in, whether you breathe them in, or they contact your skin or they're on your food or in your food.

00:30:37.088 --> 00:30:38.409
there's four routes out the body.

00:30:38.638 --> 00:30:42.038
So you just have to keep those elimination pathways wide open.

00:30:42.618 --> 00:30:43.338
And that is.

00:30:43.834 --> 00:30:49.513
Your sweat, your breath, your urine, and your stool four ways out the body.

00:30:49.534 --> 00:30:54.218
So keep them all healthy and Regular, right?

00:30:54.657 --> 00:31:10.903
this might be one of the reasons exercise is really good for us because it increases All of those it increases blood flow, which is it increases our kidneys ability to filter the blood and it keeps you regular You breathe deeper and it makes you sweat You can't hear it too many times.

00:31:11.462 --> 00:31:18.792
And you're also increasing your muscle mass and lessening your fat mass and fat mass tends to hold onto all of these chemicals.

00:31:18.982 --> 00:31:19.653

00:31:19.873 --> 00:31:20.222

00:31:20.222 --> 00:31:22.042
We didn't even talk about that, but that's one of the reasons.

00:31:22.202 --> 00:31:24.982
Sometimes when people lose weight really quickly, they don't feel well.

00:31:25.103 --> 00:31:33.895
and often you're liberating chemical compounds that have been stored in the fat because that is usually where they go is they get stored away in your fat tissue.

00:31:34.288 --> 00:31:39.558
so your adipose cells or your fat cells, actually, that's where they're soluble.

00:31:39.558 --> 00:31:40.699
That's where they get stored.

00:31:40.699 --> 00:31:44.019
And so as those shrink, You liberate these compounds sometimes.

00:31:44.019 --> 00:31:47.038
So, so a rapid weight loss can make people feel a little funky sometimes.

00:31:47.788 --> 00:31:52.249
And I think fasting sometimes has that, you know, when people do extended fasts.

00:31:52.828 --> 00:31:57.209
There's so much going on when people fast that it's hard to say like, that's what this is from.

00:31:57.519 --> 00:32:05.749
Um, we're not promoting that people do those detoxes that are all over social media, you know, drinking these crazy smoothies and whatnot.

00:32:05.759 --> 00:32:06.628
That's not really.

00:32:07.318 --> 00:32:10.249
No, I think there's a book out there or I don't know if it's a recipe book.

00:32:10.249 --> 00:32:11.759
I think it's called Everyday Detox.

00:32:12.378 --> 00:32:16.548
It's a decent book about how your body eliminates chemical compounds.

00:32:17.036 --> 00:32:17.756
I have it somewhere on my

00:32:17.955 --> 00:32:29.465
But I just don't want people going out and buying like, you know, detox formula powders, pills, capsules, making like crazy smoothies that people are coming up with on, on the TikTok.

00:32:29.486 --> 00:32:31.175
Like that's not necessary.

00:32:31.246 --> 00:32:34.076
drink your filtered water and eat your fiber.

00:32:34.076 --> 00:32:37.226
Make sure that you're pooping and peeing and, you know, sweat a little.

00:32:37.566 --> 00:32:37.945

00:32:38.270 --> 00:32:38.540

00:32:38.540 --> 00:32:42.461
And if anything, avoidance is first because you're going to get exposed regardless.

00:32:42.461 --> 00:32:47.260
So avoiding them as much as possible is the number one thing that we can do.

00:32:47.270 --> 00:32:48.560
And that means taking precautions.

00:32:48.560 --> 00:32:53.270
I mean, I do think that we, me included, there are times that I should take more precaution than I do.

00:32:53.320 --> 00:32:53.611

00:32:53.611 --> 00:32:57.230
You should wear a respirator mask when you're using certain paints and that kind of thing.

00:32:57.230 --> 00:32:58.750
And you think, Oh, it's only gonna take me 10 minutes.

00:32:59.090 --> 00:33:00.211
And you just quickly do it.

00:33:00.641 --> 00:33:05.357
I do it if it's exposure for a long time, of course, but there's times that we all do that, right?

00:33:05.907 --> 00:33:20.381
Yeah, and working in a cancer center in the Midwest and talking to people who work in agriculture, whether they're farmers or, you know, whatever they're doing, always checking to make sure that they were wearing respirators.

00:33:20.391 --> 00:33:21.361
Are those provided to you?

00:33:21.361 --> 00:33:29.518
Yeah, but it's too hot to You know, I heard that, but that was more, you know, the RV industry that, people weren't wearing protective gear.

00:33:29.840 --> 00:33:32.411
If you need to use.

00:33:32.611 --> 00:33:45.784
Pesticides or any chemicals, make sure that you are being safe, you know, wearing protective gear for yourself because maybe you're thinking like, well, these small exposures, it's not, it's not going to make or break me.

00:33:46.023 --> 00:33:54.691
No, but think about the people who are growing and harvesting this food and have greater exposures and people who live in the areas around these farms.

00:33:55.191 --> 00:33:56.151
greater exposures.

00:33:56.151 --> 00:34:09.807
And so that's, that's a big concern, you know, that's because we will get some pushback I know, because there, you know, the thought that these small exposures don't matter.

00:34:09.807 --> 00:34:14.434
But over time, it's not just the food that we're eating.

00:34:14.583 --> 00:34:15.813
It's the air that we're breathing.

00:34:15.813 --> 00:34:17.333
We talked about microplastics.

00:34:18.434 --> 00:34:19.534
I mean, so that's what I mean.

00:34:19.534 --> 00:34:25.003
Like, you're like, you're just constantly, it's like you might try to live as clean and healthy as possible.

00:34:25.523 --> 00:34:28.833
And you might have some people down the street who are burning their trash.

00:34:29.168 --> 00:34:29.679

00:34:29.778 --> 00:34:30.068

00:34:30.068 --> 00:34:35.528
This is, this is why we control the variables we have control over, but don't sweat the rest of it.

00:34:35.592 --> 00:34:38.235
try to control your own environment as best you can.

00:34:38.266 --> 00:34:48.675
So I don't want people to get all super paranoid and start stressing out because then we're going to find out that stress is the new smoking and so, you know, so

00:34:48.976 --> 00:34:50.606
No, it's a valid point.

00:34:50.615 --> 00:34:51.405
Totally agree.

00:34:51.436 --> 00:34:51.876

00:34:52.746 --> 00:34:59.945
You know, it's just it's it's being aware doing what you can to lessen not only your exposure but other people's exposure.

00:34:59.956 --> 00:35:05.896
If you're like, well, I'm kind of sick of spending every Sunday mowing my lawn, make it a meadow.

00:35:06.115 --> 00:35:08.985
I know if you live in an HOA that's not going to happen,

00:35:09.005 --> 00:35:09.376

00:35:10.076 --> 00:35:13.248
but you know, I don't know what to tell you then.

00:35:14.148 --> 00:35:14.719
I know.

00:35:14.748 --> 00:35:15.059
I know.

00:35:15.059 --> 00:35:15.789
There's true challenges.

00:35:15.789 --> 00:35:18.039
And this is why I say it's a little bit of a cultural thing.

00:35:18.039 --> 00:35:24.969
So I'm excited and encouraged when I see these counterculture neighborhoods going and saying, you know what, we're just going to start planning a meadow.

00:35:25.188 --> 00:35:25.969
And it's okay.

00:35:26.304 --> 00:35:33.280
We all like our meadow, you know, so like a little more respect for the natural environment that's being kind of adopted out there.

00:35:33.650 --> 00:35:36.291
I think, I think that's the direction we're headed in anyways.

00:35:36.721 --> 00:35:39.050
a lot of what we talked about today, you and I already knew.

00:35:39.610 --> 00:35:46.201
And so, yeah, it's, there might be a slight underestimation of how kind of negative it is.

00:35:46.251 --> 00:35:51.161
it's just something that we've lived with for our entire careers at the very least, a knowledge of this.

00:35:51.559 --> 00:35:55.539
Pesticide being horrible and possibly carcinogenic, many of them.

00:35:56.068 --> 00:35:58.628
so yeah, I hope we weren't too negative on this one.

00:35:59.318 --> 00:35:59.929
I know.

00:36:00.599 --> 00:36:01.798
On that note, I'm Dr.

00:36:01.798 --> 00:36:02.518
Leia Sherman

00:36:02.795 --> 00:36:03.266
And I'm Dr.

00:36:03.266 --> 00:36:03.846
Tina Kaczor.

00:36:04.255 --> 00:36:05.485
and this is The Cancer Pod.

00:36:05.746 --> 00:36:06.476
Until next time.

00:36:06.860 --> 00:36:08.590
Thanks for listening to The Cancer Pod.

00:36:08.940 --> 00:36:13.420
Remember to subscribe, review, and rate us wherever you get your podcasts.

00:36:13.650 --> 00:36:15.581
Follow us on social media for updates.

00:36:15.791 --> 00:36:18.570
And as always, this is not medical advice.

00:36:18.891 --> 00:36:20.340
These are our opinions.

00:36:20.811 --> 00:36:24.251
Talk to your doctor before changing anything related to your treatment plan.

00:36:24.710 --> 00:36:26.710
The Cancer Pod is hosted by me, Dr.

00:36:26.710 --> 00:36:28.391
Leah Sherman, and by Dr.

00:36:28.391 --> 00:36:29.280
Tina Kaczor.

00:36:29.701 --> 00:36:31.431
Music is by Kevin MacLeod.

00:36:32.021 --> 00:36:33.141
See you next time.